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UKCA Announcements and Updates

Kewbz UK Open 2024

The UKCA is very excited to announce Kewbz UK Open 2024 on the 31st August – 1st September in Newham, London.

With 370 available spaces, this event marks the first UK Open in 12 years and will offer a thrilling experience for beginners and experienced cubers alike. This competition features no qualification times and accessible time limits, meaning anyone is welcome to register! All competitors who attend will receive a complementary Kewbz UK Open 2024 T-shirt.

We are thrilled to be partnering with KewbzUK to bring you this competition, which promises to be a landmark event in the UK Cubing calendar!

The highlight will be the electrifying head-to-head 3x3 finals as some of the fastest cubers across the country and beyond will battle it out to be crowned the winner of Kewbz UK Open 2024. Not only that, but this competition will also debut the UK Regions Cup. In this knock-out tournament, teams from different regions across the UK will face off to prove their region is the fastest in the country.

Sound like your kind of thing? Full details of the competition can be found on the WCA website.

Registration opens Wednesday 19th June at 7:00pm. Don’t miss your chance to be a part of this unforgettable event – mark your calendars and register early to secure your spot!

Eleanor Sinnott