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UKCA Announcements and Updates

UKCA Statement Regarding James Molloy

Dear UK Cube Association Community,

We regret to inform you of a serious incident that has come to our attention, which we feel a strong sense of responsibility to address as transparently as we are able to at this time.

Within the last few days, James Molloy, former President of the UKCA, has admitted to misappropriating UKCA funds. Although the exact sum has yet to be determined, we want to emphasise the seriousness of this issue, whilst assuring you that immediate action has been taken. Our foremost priority has been to safeguard the remaining funds and we can confirm that they have been transferred to a new, secure, UKCA bank account, along with all incoming registration fees.

We understand the impact and significance of this incident, and we want to assure you that the UKCA remains financially resilient and in a secure position to ensure ALL upcoming competitions will go ahead as planned.

With immediate effect, we have expelled James Molloy from the UKCA and revoked all of his administrative access. We will be conducting our own internal investigation and will be working closely with the World Cube Association who will be conducting their own investigation. We will be fully cooperating with this. They have taken action to revoke his status from all WCA positions including WCA Treasurer, WCA Financial Committee (WFC), and Delegate. The WCA has also banned James from competing at any WCA competition until a full investigation of the situation has been conducted.

We are aware of the seriousness of this incident and are doing all we can to resolve it. The UKCA has always been a volunteer-run organisation which operates on a non-profit basis and we will continue to uphold these principles. In light of these events, we have expedited plans to transition the UKCA into a newly incorporated limited company, which we will be providing further details on in the weeks to come. We will be reinvesting all recovered funds back into the community to fund more competitions, more equipment, and improve our competitor experience.

Whilst we understand the significance of transparency, we want to emphasise that we will not be able to answer all questions whilst the investigation is still ongoing.

- UK Cube Association

See the WCA’s Statement here

Sam Spendla